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Our purpose has always been to improve LEXUS LX570 (using its original parts only) so that it could compete with RANGE ROVER VOGUE SUPERCHARGED, PORSСHE CAYENNE TURBO, MERСEDES G55AMG etc., without losing its reliability and comfort features. The result was beyond all expectations – the car was very fast and powerful but still comfortable. In addition, the cost of this improvement is so much adequate that every LEXUS LX570 owner can afford it.




The development of this compressor and its preparation for installation has been carried out during the year. We have made great efforts to develop an exclusive software for the compressor management and for its installation in the engine compartment (there had been some difficulties with the dimensions which we managed to overcome) and the geometry of the compressor cooling system. The salvation of all these problems could be impossible if not the experience of the Japanese specialists from TOMS tuning company.


Compressor Kit


When installing the compressor on LEXUS LX570, we use only original spare parts, accessories and software produced by the TOYOTA and TRD. The compressor kit includes:


  1. TRD Compressor (body)
  2. TRD Fuel pump with higher capacity 
  3. TRD Fuel Injectors with higher capacity
  4. DENSO spark plugs 
  5. TRD Liquid radiator for compressor cooling,
  6. Motor for cooling liquid circulation 
  7. TRD Air Filter,
  8. TRD Air Filter Body.



High Power Test


To verify and measure the increased engine power and its torque, we appealed to WWW.WINDE.RU for high power test. It can be seen from the video how the measurements are carried out.



The measurements were carried out in summer at the air temperature of 40C. The car was filled with 95 petrol. The room where the testing was performed was small enough. Taking into account the fact that the front of the car was cooled by a fan so that the environment to be similar to the motion on the highway, the indications were still underrated by 5-10%.




Taking into consideration that the measuring conditions were far from being ideal, we still conclude that the indications were perfect: engine power - 479.5 hp and torque - 976 nm. TRD company says that after the kit installation the power will increase to 504 hp and torque to 744 nm (after conversion into the metric system). We are pretty confident that the power measurements can exceed 500 hp and torque can go up to 1,000 nm when using 98 petrol at lower temperatures.

Comfort in Motion


With the compressor the car driving became more comfortable. There is always a significant reserve power. There are no typical brick accelerations or jerks. Automatic gearbox through its algorithm operation provides smooth but still very powerful acceleration at any speed, which is accompanied by the pleasantly changed roar of the engine.




We also recommend to install the following:


  1. TRD Oil Filter - 900 rubles (about 30 USD)
  2. TRD Engine oil Super Racing PRO SM / CF 5W-40 (synthetic) - 3950 rubles per 4 liters (about 140 USD).
  3. TRD Radiator cap (provides pressure in the system, 1.3 bar, nominal 1.1 bar) -1210 rubles (about 50 USD)
  4. TRD Oil filler cap - 1910 rubles (about 70 USD)




Acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h


The last measurement was made by us using Pocket Dyno program for APPLE IPAD. The results showed that the acceleration from 0-100 km \ h is achieved in 6.19 seconds.




Contrast and Compare


Let us compare stock LX570 and LX570 equipped with a compressor. The acceleration to 100km \ h of the first one is achieved in 7.5 seconds, while LX570 with the installed compressor is almost 1.5 seconds faster. It can be seen from the picture.


Racing versus INFINITY FX50S, Lexus LX570 with the installed compressor is 3-4 bodies faster. Referring to the indications given by INFINITY FX50S manufacturer, where the acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h makes up 5.8 sec., we can assume that LX570 with the installed compressor accelerates to 100 km / h in about 5.5 seconds.



Test Drive


If you would like to test drive LX570 with the installed compressor, please call technical center 649-99-77 or fill in the “call back” field at our website..


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